The Legend of the Purple Goomba.exe

Wow, I never seen such a game.
Today I was playing New Super Mario Bros. U, when I got an email. I checked to read it. It was from a guy called "PurpleGoomba". All it had, was a link. I clicked, the link, and it started downloading. It stopped, and I played it. So my surprise it was the fan game, Super Mario Bros X. I started playing, nothing seemed off, other than lag. However I saw something...Strange...I saw a purple goomba, I took a picture already. When I stomped, on the goomba, a cry from, Super Metroid, played. This was so unnatural. I'd saw a horde of purple goombas. They had a depressed, expression, on there face. They ran fast, as bullet bills! I ran fast, fast, fast, but somehow the keyboard, for some reason, stoped, and I died from the goombas. Then I was kicked out from the world map. It was all creepy: The water, was dark, the ground was rusted, and worst of all, was Mario. His body, was grey and was crying green liquid, out his eyes. I choose, Luigi, this time, and went to the next level. The level's name was "The End." The level, was just woodblocks and a black screen, but it had a msg box saying, "want to play the rest of the story?, go to" It looked like, a screen, with a happy Mario in the background, and a box that says, "want to play rest of game? Email I emailed the person and my response was a link to a SMBX episode. I downloaded and put it in the worlds folder. I was playing as Mario, again, but It was not the Purple goomba level. It was a level that had a straight piece of land. I ran for about a minute or two. Then another goomba, appears with no eyeballs. I stomped on him, and then a row, of Purple goombas appear. MSG boxes appear, saying "YOUK OKIL LZIKI MEM I OK6O6K6O6KO6". I thought this was funny, and stomped on more goombas. Then the goombas, seemed to have more sadder faces, each time a jumped on them, then I jumped on one last goomba. The goomba, was a edited to look like a Toad, crying. I just didn't care, and jumped on him. His animation was different, he exploded in many things, like a goomba, and purple goo. His face, appeared. I touched it, making the level finished, jingle. Then a MSG box appeared again, level 2. SMBX, never ever, had an option where it did that. The level, had crazy music. It sound like, a reversed, scream. The was the same, jump on the goombas, etc. With no toad at the end. I saw a r.i.p stone, saying " go to "". I shut down and saved the game. I saw a picture, of a purple goomba. He seemed to making strange faces. However the video, caught my eye the most, reason...IT WAS TAKEN DOWN!!!!!!!!!! I went to level 2, and instead of Mario, it was skinned, Luigi...REALLY SKINNED!!!!! All of his skin was missing. He was even not wearing no clothes. I also saw Peach, was an eye, poked, coming out, was water. I touched her, and a flashy picture, appeared of a hyper realistic Patrick. He was dancing, with no clothes. He also held his breath, and went a goomba. He walked side to side, never stopping. I also saw Luigi, getting hanged. Then the game, had a cutscene. I saw Peach and Toad, waling, in a 3d like modeled animation. Mario, was crying, purple tears and saw R.I.P stone saying, your brother died, LOZ "". I went to that website, to see a file selection of roms. I thought this was illegal, so I contacted Nintendo, because I work for them, and they said that these roms where just demos, for their game, "The Legend of the Purple Goomba".
